The Four Agreements | Leadership Hub

The Four Agreements | Leadership Hub
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Agreements could be easy, but never say they are easy to maintain. Then they can be simple, but Don Miguel never says that they are easy to maintain. It is easier said than done to adhere to the four agreements presented, but they are wonderful guidelines to try to follow. This agreement is considered the most powerful. Most of these agreements may seem common sense at the beginning. Actually, living and fulfilling these Four Agreements can be one of the most difficult things you could do. It is not an easy agreement to maintain, however, it is very likely that this agreement will free you.

The objective is not to be affected. Obviously, it has to be to combine the first agreement with authenticity. It is making the four agreements a habit, and this requires a lot of effort.
If you trust yourself, you will have little need to participate in a lot of gossip. The demand for attention is something that all adults have and is rooted in us in childhood. It is possible to ask for what you demand. Then, when you are impeccable, you do not do anything that goes against yourself. Because you want the way you are. Others find it impossible to read your mind. In fact, living the four agreements could be one of the most difficult things you could do, but it will also be one of the most rewarding things that will change your life!

Because you are satisfied with your life. It is spiritual, since it is about living your life. It can also be one of the most changing things you can do in your life. You choose the path and the way you want to live your life.
You will hear the name of the individual and will not have an emotional reaction. Words can be used for a constructive or negative effect. Using our words forever is a highly effective approach to contacting other people.
Within the pages, you will see many common self-destructive agreements that many make in the form of beliefs and behaviors. The person develops an internal judge who is tough and ruthless. If you only observe your emotional state at this point, it will seem that things get worse instead of better.

If you make assumptions, you are asking for problems. These assumptions are not reality. If he has the inclination to be a perfectionist, he would approach this component of the agreement and use it as a wonderful excuse to nurture his perfectionism. You are creating even more fear and doubts about yourself later on. Attention is the capacity we need to discriminate and concentrate only on what we want to perceive. Consciousness is always the first step, because if you are not aware, there is nothing that can change.

Some will get angry once the rhythm changes. Fortunately, there is a fairly simple solution to this problem. At this time, it will seem that things get worse rather than better and it will often seem that trying to keep the Four Agreements causes more problems than before, which is just what the ego wants! The problem with making assumptions is that we believe they are reality. Nor is it the problem that you are a failure. Fail part of the transformation and it will be easier every time you fall and climb again. The end result is that not only are we upset, but we also feel unsuccessful.

the fourth agreement

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